I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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I have stated that we have a shared bathroom 4 times in the listing and yet people are still shocked and complain everytime that they didn't know they had to share? I am not sure what I am doing wrong, it's a little frustrating to get these negative reviews when I have clearly stated exactly what you will be receiving in my home. Thoguhts anyone?
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I put that in my description too but have not had those results. There should be a way to counter reviews based on something openly stated.
I do so much to accomodate my guests and feel rally crummy when a review comes in with critism.
I put that in my description too but have not had those results. There should be a way to counter reviews based on something openly stated.
I do so much to accomodate my guests and feel rally crummy when a review comes in with critism.
I feel soooo crummy when I get a complaint because our listing is EXACTLY what the ad says.
Make it the first thing that they read about the listing. Make it BOLD.
Usually I get the comments from the person who did not make the booking, but remeber most poeople will scan at best what you have written. Not sure about highlighting, where do you start and finish?
@Jackie26, @Tim-And-Pru0, @David126, @Mike77 the option to set whether it's a shared or private bathroom is available on the website in the Basics menu:
It appears on your listing in the Space section:
But to highlight it there's certainly no harm in putting it (perhaps in bold) in the description. But in my experience whatever you do guests just don't read what's in front of them!
I like your "bathroom type" checkbox in under your basic listing page.
Unfortunately, I don't have this option in my basic listing page 😞
Does anyone know how to get this option in their listing page?
It does seem that airbnb would want everyone to disclose their bathroom situation.
I've had the same frustration - you can do the best description in the world, but doesn't do much if they don't read it!
I made a few changes to my listing, which I think have helped. First, I mention at the top of the listing to read the house rules & that I have a TREAT for answering a question in there - wine or chocolate is the answer (isn't it always?)
About 50% of guests don't mention the easter egg & that tells me I need to be more direct.
I ask them to "be sure to read my full listing to make sure we're a good fit. Some common mismatches are BLAH BLAH."
There's similar wording at the top of my house rules since they're supposed to sign off on that.
The couple times things have felt off, it's been because the person who made the reservation didn't get buy-in or inform the group. I can't do much about that - it would be awfully patronizing to be like "I'd love to take your reservation, but have you checked in with your mommy/daddy/spouse/children to make sure you've taken their preferences into account?" Haha.
Brilliant idea Allison with the 'prize' for those who read throroughly!
Do you mind if I use this? "be sure to read my full listing to make sure we're a good fit". Love it!
Of course not - I'm sure I snagged it from some other host! We only improve by sharing 😉
Thank you for your thoughts everyone!
I fear if I put the shared bathroom in bold or at the top of the listing, then guests will move past my great space. No one has ever had a problem sharing a bathroom, plus, I don't allow guests for more than 4 days, so that way people won't get comfortable with "living" there. It's funny, with AIRBNB it started as just a bed, and now people are offering and guests are expecting more than a hotel!
The guest who just sent the review put in under private so that's good, but she also stated that she would not stay at my place again because of the bathroom. This was her first BNB experience.
I have 2 rooms that share aboth and one that has its own, all clearly stated.
The ones that share which are cheaper usually go first, might help that they have the option but choose not to take it.
Haha @Allison2 the easter egg is a nice idea. And yes, wine and chocolate are the answer to everything.
Consider providing a floor plan as one of the photos.