Should guests friends be allowed to visit the property

Should guests friends be allowed to visit the property

We own a space, it is private space with its own front door but joins our property where we live.We have had no issues with previous guests , the property sleeps 2 , they check in, they either stay in or explore the countryside , they check out . This has operated successfully since opening 

however we have experienced a problem, the new guests who have been with us for 3 days have had a endless stream of visitors, relatives / friends etc 

no issues have occurred with the guests guests but we are concerned that the guests guests are not verified by air B and B (obviously). And these guests could literally be anybody. Where would we stand if the guests guests got injured or drowned in the pool or trashed the space 

does anyone who is a host have any advise or a solution please or experienced this 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Dawn400   I have a rule that only registered guests can be on the property.  Period.  I make sure the guests understand this aspect of staying in my listing.  Perhaps when accepting the booking request and you ask what brings the guest to your area, if visiting with friends and family is the plan, then you can reinforce the lack of entertaining guests of guests.


If this is the first time confronting this, and you are able to monitor the guest behavior, you might want to let it slide if they are not staying too much longer.  If they are staying longer, you could add the rule on your listing, and be honest with the guests that it was brought to your attention that unregistered guests cause the Air BNB Host Protection insurance to be void and ask that they refrain from having other people on your property.  Is that something you would be comfortable with?

Thank you, sounds a plan. It is a learning experience, we have never experienced, others, arriving to see our guests, its bizarre as it only is a 2 person property, goodness knows where these visitors sit .