Spam Guest? Booking without ID??? HELP

Level 1
Charlotte, NC

Spam Guest? Booking without ID??? HELP

Hi! New to Airbnb, and need some insight. 


How will I know if I'm being spammed? We just added our listing last night and have been getting some inquiries. A woman requested to stay and sent a message saying she is a nurse and is doing a short residency near by. Her profile is completely blank, no picture, no bio. Her email and phone number have been verified but no ID. How often do people book without ID? Should I even consider allowing guests stay without an ID verification? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Princeton, NJ

A lot of new guests don’t fully complete the profile. You are well within your rights to ask her to verify her government ID through Airbnb and to tell you a little about herself and her plans before you approve.


She could just be clueless, not a scam.


If she is unwilling to do this, then it may be better to decline.


It’s a new (and annoying) policy on Airbnb that the hosts don ‘t see guest photos until after approving them. 


EDIT: As a new host you might be better off avoiding accepting longer reservations until you get the hang of things. It’s better to accept many short term reservations, so you can build up your reviews, and not get stuck with a dud guest for a long time. Once you’ve done it for a while you will develop better “Spidey sense” to avoid the bad guests.

Level 1
Seaside, CA

I am noticing foreign requests that translate to  say this: 

Good day! If you are reading this, then your property will be available without tenants. I want to help you! I will make a reservation of your real estate without a real arrival. For this you will make a profit, as well as positive estimates. AGREE? Then wait for your messages in the vibe or at the number + 7 to devote a total of 9 to a total of 1 three one to nine 3 two. Marina.

@Kate453  That's a known scam and lots of hosts have ben getting those. It's a stolen credit card scam. Report it to Airbnb.