Special offer option vanished and calendar problems

Level 2
Orlando, FL

Special offer option vanished and calendar problems

They have been changing the website design and has everyone lost the Special Offer option? It literally does not exist anywhere on the app or website that I can find. 

Also, neither I nor guests are able to book anything with a check out the same day as another check in. I can start a reservation when someone is checking out, but cannot book the same day as a check in. 

I am losing money right now because of these glitches trying to help someone who is trying to book the room. She had the problem with the dates last week as well. This need to be fixed ASAP

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The special offer button is availabe when a guest sents an inquiry (or stayed before).

Check-in/out on same day is still possible, but maybe you have set a 1 day preparation time ?



Level 10
New Brunswick, Canada

Hi Elizabeth & Emiel

I have been having the same problems for the last two weeks. Yes the button is there on an Enquiry. I sent my guest the Soecial Offer but they couldn't accept it as it appeared as Pending on their end.

Customer Service  had to fix the problem for the guests. Hopefully will be fixed soon.