Specific help with my account


Specific help with my account

I'm a tad confused about a situation and just don't know where to turn, and no amount of drop-down menus will answer my question. Does AirBnB offer any kind of technical support?


The situation is this: As a host I agreed with an incoming guest that the visit wasn't going to work out, and I assured her that even though I had a "strict" policy I would give her a complete refund. The steps I went through seemed to go like this: She cancelled, and I received a message that indicated that I would receive the "penalty amount" for her cancellation, which was about $530 (which I mistakenly read as $550). The next few screens were a bit confusing; I thought to make sure she got the refund that I should "send" her $550, which I did. And at some point I'm sure I clicked something that said I wanted to offer her a full refund.


So, now I have the record of her cancellation, indicating that she has received a full refund. However, I have another message that I have sent her $550, which "will be taken out of my next payout" and sent to her. But these messages show up in different places as I click through the site, and I'm not sure if they cancel each other out, or if I have indeed sent a customer $550 above her actual cancellation refund. 


I've sent a message to the guest to see what is says on her end, but you know... I may never hear anything back, right? 


I just want to know what the actual status of my account is, and if indeed I made an error in both "cancelling for a full refund" and "sending $550" -- and if so, I'd like to cancel that gift of $550, which there seems to be no button for. 


I assume somewhere there would be somebody from AirBnB who could assist with this issue, but I have yet to find any email or phone contact info. 


Thus this message. Any help from anyone would be appreciated. 

Top Answer
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Dan285 ,

You can contact Airbnb by this link:

Airbnb Help: contact

if you choose "something else" you end up directly in the "call or message" section.

Useally refunding is maximized automaticaly to the total amount (or possible refund) of the reservation.

Maybe if you wait for 24 hours, it is solved automaticaly ?.

But for peace of mind you can contact Airbnb

Best regards,Emiel

Thanks Emiel! will try that and see what happens.


No actually, that doesn't. It just gives me more drop down options. I'm seeing nothing about "call or message"

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Sorry, probably different behaviour of the software in your part of the world.


If i choose "it's someting else", then next screen says "message us" or "call us".

I choose "call us": next screen offers a "call back" or textlink "call airbnb directly".

I click the textlink: next screen shows two Airbnb phone numbers, the same phone numbers with are mentioned in @Rene-and-Zac0 's  posting.


Hope your refund-problem will be solved anyway,


Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Dan285 You refunded her money AND SENT $550. 


The $550 you sent will be deducted from the amount you receive for your next booking. 


You better handle this and get your $550 back if you can. 


Good luck!


’You know it’s hard out here for a Host’

Thanks! What do you think I should do? I still can't find any actual contact info for AirBnB. Am I just dense? 

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Boom. Thanks! On with them now... I Googled it.