Starting an Experience in Cape Town

Starting an Experience in Cape Town

I am in the process of setting up an Airbnb Experience in Cape Town but am not able to complete the process - everything is ticked,  except the full description - and even though it saves, it doesn't get ticked and the last two locked options don't become available. How does one contact someone in the know to resolve this?



1 Reply 1
Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

Hey Neville - this is the first time i am on the comunity forum so I am not sure how it works in terms of communication between us but let's give it a bash and i will try to help where I can - I (tourismZA) have just over 50 guest house owners that I assist on Airbnb - you are welcome to give me a call and i will help you where I can . Finding me is easy tourismZA's are the same as mine and you can call me.