Strict cancelation policy

Level 2
Jakarta, Indonesia

Strict cancelation policy

I made mistake booked apartment in London via instants booked, tried to contact host about solution, my host request me to cancel the reservation, after cancel I just release they have strict cancellation policy, then charge me 50% payment. Try get full refund they rejected, send help to involved center still no feedback, since it's really big money for us, how should I find solution for my cancellation?
16 Replies 16
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Griya-Hanna0, I hope the host refunds you and for future reference, children do indeed count as guests, they will need somewhere to sleep. Most places will have a cap on how many guests their insurance allows.


Dear Sandra,

Thank you For your support, its will never happen again in the future.
I need their heart to understand my situation, now resolution center work on it.

Best Regards,

Griya Hanna