guest complaining about the bed

Level 2
Bruges, Belgium

guest complaining about the bed

Hi there

I am new to Airbnb and this is only my second set of guets in my beautifully renovated apartment.

The wife, baby and her parents have already been in the apartment for nearly a week without any


The husband has arrived and stayed one night and has made a complaint about the bed.  But not

this morning when he got up, only when I have been over to deliver fresh linens and towels at

7pm this evening on a Friday night.

He says that they are rolling in to the middle.

He is a very tall man and had already checked the size of the bed before booking the apartment.

The bed is metal framed with slatted base.  It has a medium mattress, not too soft and not too hard

to try and accommodate everyone.

Not sure what I should do or tell him?

Info or a good statement would be appreciated.

Thank you


3 Replies 3
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Sally52 Hmm, that's a hard one.  Do you have any alternatives to that bed? 

I've had guests who weren't happy with my bed too (or pillows for that matter, but that's easily solved) so I just acknowledge their concern and tell them I have new beds on order but they haven't arrived yet.  (Only partially true)  That way you've acknowledged the concern which is what most people want anyway. 

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

Hi Sally, unfortunately sometimes you just have guests who like to whinge. Do your best, keep calm , offer him a deduction? Then move on


Russell Higgs

Level 10
Bend, OR

Put a piece of plywood under the mattress so that it does not sag.


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