Super host account suspension

Super host account suspension


i really need help as I am very disturbed by this situation.

I am not getting any logical explanation on this from the airbnb customer support. All I get is someone will get back to you and no one does.

I have been hosting for almost 2+ years and am a super host.

This is a very unusual for me. Can you please help get this running back for me? Or at least het someone to speak to me ?

I really appreciate your help.

21 Replies 21
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@H71 you absolutely must get this review removed and ask Airbnb to remove it or to actually explain the guests reason .the guest must have stayed to review at all . a one is pretty terrible so I would expect there to be some reason , if not keep at it . you can message the guest and ask them to kindly remove it as you feel that it is very unfair and damaging. H

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@H71 I can't do anything except appeal to @Catherine-Powell to at least tell people why they are suspended, ask the admins such as @Sybe to tweak customer services, and advise you to list on other platforms so you are not totally reliant on Airbnb.

@Mike-And-Jane0  @Catherine-Powell 

Thank you Mike. 

@Sybe can you please assist?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @H71 ,


Apologies for the late reply here, I can imagine this situation is stressful for you. 


I'll be more than happy to send it over to the team to try and give it a push. They'll be in touch with you and if I get an update in the meantime, I'll let you know. 🙂



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen


really appreciate it!

Level 10
Ruinen, Netherlands

Quincy has holidays until 8 Oct. Perhaps try another admin? @H71 

Groetjes Katja

@Mike-And-Jane0 @Sybe @Helen744 @Katja202 
thank you guys for your help and support, my account is active now.