I obtained super host status in the Jan 2018 - Dec 2018 assessment period.
In the Apr 18 - Mar 19 period my average overall rating dropped to 4.7 for one ridiculous review that was 3 stars! This happened in July 2018, and I think the weighting of this is incorrect - but that is a discussion for a nother time. All of my ratings before (started in Feb 2018), and since that review have been 4 or 5 stars When I checked my overall rating during consitently through to March 19 and it still showed that I was 4.8. This is pretty confusing as I have 31 5 star reviews, 7 4 star reviews and the 1 3star.
My current overall rating is still showing 4.8, but I am concerned that even if I maintain the 4.8 rating for the next couple months, or if I don't get only 5 star ratings, I will be penalized again for the July 2018 rating. Can someone shed some light on this?
Thanks, Anthony