I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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The stats on my dashboard seem to me to indicate that I have met the requirements for Superhost status, but there is a message saying, "You're not meeting the requirements for Superhost status - we hope you will soon!" I have posted a screen shot of my stats at
(I'm not sure whick link works best here.)
Can anyone clarify or provide insight to why I am not meeting Superhost requirements?
I think it needs to be 4.8 and yours is 4.6
Thank you for your quick reply. Can you point me to where in the documentation it states that a 4.8 or higher rating is required? I could not find that. All I could find is this page on the Airbnb site and it just says this:
To become a Superhost, you need to have an account in good standing, and over the past year you must have:
Hosted at least 10 trips
Maintained a 90% response rate or higher
Received a 5-star review at least 80% of the time you’ve been reviewed, as long as at least half of the guests who stayed with you left a review
Completed each of your confirmed reservations without canceling
Hi there,
although I'm not sure if this is the correct "page" I should write on... but maybe you can help me out.
The last assembly according to my information was on the 1st of October and I wonder why I did not become a super host.
I had 100% response although now it appears as 99%, all reviews 5 Stars, no cancelation etc.
Do I have to do anything? Shall I wait?
Super Host status is assessed on October 1st. After that time, if you have met the requirements, your Super Host status will be granted.
OK thank you.
If you keep scrolling through the superhost information it does mention that some things are assesed differently for stats than for superhost status. The timeframe is longer for superhost status.
Thank you for your reply. If they are including the overall star rating when assessing Superhost status, then why do they not include that in their list of Superhost requirements?
The overall star rating IS the rating, it is just written differently these days. Used to be in figures, now it is in star percentages. Exactly the same thing in the end.
I've removed my comment about how bad Airbnb is on stats.
Hi, Bob! I've got the same scenario of yours. No cancellations this year. 88 of 88 enquiries and requests responded to within 24 hours. 80% of 5 stars ticked but my stats say the same "You're not meeting the requirements for Superhost status—we hope you will soon!" Aparently I have 4.7 stars and the goal is 4.8 to become a Superhost. I am quiet disapointed and frustrated. 😞
I have been in touch with customer support through Twitter because my stats are completely in line with meeting Superhost status. In fact, until about 6 weeks ago, the message posted on my stats page congratulated me on meeting Superhost status. Then, mysteriously, the message changed to say I was NOT meeting the standards, even though my stats had only IMPROVED!
The rep I was in contact with assured me that I was indeed meeting requirements, and that it was one more glitch in a long line of Airbnb technical glitches. (I added the long line of glitches. He did, indeed say it was a glitch). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is indeed merely a "glitch," and that I won't have to follow-up once the assessment date has passed.
is there anyone else who meets the standards, but whose message says they're not?
Mine was the other day too - and now I know why, so thank you.
Another 2 glitches for your collection, both on the 'stats' page:
Below the graph of viewings the little dots showing Requests and Bookings have gone.
The 'Host Standards' are for "October 5, 2015 - October 5, 2015"
Hope your SH review goes well 🙂
I live in a resort city on the east coast that is highly seasonal, i.e. Memorial Day through Labor Day pretty much. I did really well this summer with guests, and I am on track to qualify for the Superhost status (Superhost assessment pending -- due Oct 14, 2016). As I understand it, the designation is awarded until the next evaluation period ends. Due to seasonality, there is no way I will make Superhost during the next evaluation(s). My question is: what good is this status to me or my guests, the majority of whom will research and book accomodations in Newport, RI during the Spring and Summer of 2017? Next year's potential guests will never know that my listing earned super status Spring/Summer 2016!
Hi @Deborah136!
I actually have the same concern and question as you. My rental is also seasonal, in fact, I've blocked out the dates from November 15 - April 1. I have also wondered how a lack of bookings during that time period will affect my ability to maintain Superhost status.
Are there any other seasonal Superhosts out there who can comment?