TOT certificate number input

Level 1
San Diego, CA

TOT certificate number input

Does anyone know where to enter my TOT certificate numbver on the AirBnB site?.... I have spent literally over an hour trying to find where I can input that number, to no avail.... HELP!

4 Replies 4
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Geoff120   I just added the license number into the listing description.  I don't think there is a specific location to house that information.

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Ok.... Thanks Linda. It just seems like it’s vital enough information, that AirBnb would need that number to remit your TOT taxes to the local taxing body.....  I wonder how they insure that the TOT taxes they pay on your behalf, go to the correct account?

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Air BNB has been collecting and remitting the TOT for San Diego for quite a long time however, I believe Air BNB does not provide individual host/guest information to the City.  They provide a lump sum and apparently the City is happy with that.  In my small city, La Quinta (near Palm Springs) we had a couple of months of AirBNB collection and remittance but pulled out of the agreement due to concerns about the inability to audit whether any individual host was paying the correct TOT amount.  If your city accepts that weakness I doubt you will ever have to prove proper payment.

Level 1
San Diego, CA

It just seems odd that AirBnB would take on the responsibility of collecting and remitting TOT payments, to the local taxing authority, without directing the payments to the individual accounts that should be credited.... But I guess laziness is more common than efficiency, and gluttony more common than a proper diet.

AirBnB is ok with just throwing a huge wad of unaccounted for money at the city, and the city is just happy with taking as much of it, as it is given.

Well, I guess as long as the city doesn’t come crawling up my backside for documentation, or additional funds, I should just go with the flow.