Tax Collection Issue

Tax Collection Issue

I contacted AIRBNB today & asked if they have the address they will be  sending the State taxes to. The Representative put me on hold for 5 min & gets back on the line & says I will have a Supervisor contact you. ... What ? your collecting taxes in my state of S.C. & you cannot tell me the verified Address of where you are sending money without the assistance of a supervisor.... Hmm. Plus they do not collect for the City & County. That I have to collect from the Guests separately. That is time consuming & inconvenience, not an efficent way of doing business. Not to mention the hassel from Guests over the extra 1.5% for BOTH City & County. They have stated that I as a Host cannot collect the taxes & pay the State on my own.  No one has contacted me yet from there supervision Dept. This company is making me wonder what I got into here. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
California, United States

I'm curious why you need to know?


They're probably electronically sending it into a bank account as Airbnb has relationshiops with many governments. Doubtful they send a check each month.

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Collection questions here also !

After spending much time on hold for airbnb, I was told that TOT was collected, and that can be seen in the Transaction History section.  Airbnb will remit to City.  No way to confirm payment to City by way of a paper trail.  Also, no way to see total charges to visitor to try to audit everything.  Total charges not disclosed to hosts.


Some concern here--the City of San Diego is not too forgiving, they assess penalties first, then let the citizens try to sort it out.


We're doing a summer test here; it may be easier to just rent the apt to a regular tenant.