There seems to be a lot of tips and tricks for hosts and how to host well. 'Make sure you clean up' etc.
Every booking confirmation email I get, Airbnb reminds me to tidy up and make sure I have clean linen and towels. I've had well over 150 bookings now and I don't need these reminders. I accept a lot of first time airbnb user guests. They should also be sent a reminder on how to be a 'good guest'. And maybe there should be a tips and tricks for being a good Airbnb guest. It should be a two way thing.
Does Airbnb actually look at these discussion boards? So far, it doesn't look like they are? Hosts have been wanting guests to have star ratings for some time now - and STILL nothing has been done. Also, LOCATION as a star rating, mandatory check in times, and so on.
A lot of good suggestions from hosts don't seem to be taken on board.