Two Airbnb accounts

Two Airbnb accounts

So, I've had an Airbnb account since 2016 and have traveled and used it without a hitch. Now, my husband & I set up a new account together (he's co-host) with a unique email to rent our spare bedroom. This is my problem: I can only access my hosting account from my desktop and I can only access my using account form my Ipad & Iphone. What I want to do is switch back and forth so I can keep up on messages, etc. (similar to TweetDeck). Does anyone know how I can do this? I've tried logging out/in but it seems my devices automatically connect with the specific account. Thanks for your help!


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

A co-host normally has his/her own account. So your husband could setup his account and act like the co-host. You keep your excisting account to setup the listing., acting like a host.

Automated login is mainly because of the cookies. Delete them or accept limited cookies.

Best regards,
