Unreliable review

Unreliable review

Hello, recently I got a review from a customer with an overall 3 star, because she was saying that there was noise from the neighbors. She didn't notify such thing during the whole stay, nor it is something I can avoid because it is totally external, but the review indeed doesn't benefit me, as it affects future guests and future reservations. My overall review is also damaged, I was at 5 stars just 2 stays before. What can I do about this? Does airbnb have any policy for reviews that are not trustworthy or nor true? My apartment is fully refurbished, completely new and the first three reviews were all 5 stars. 


Hope someone can help me.





3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I would post a calm, short factual response to say you were sorry to hear she was affected by neighbourhood noise and that if only she had brought it up during her stay you would have provided earplugs/a white noise machine (or whatever measure). @Sapna11 


Say that you haven't had previous guests flag any noise related issues relating to the apartments neighbours. However, you do appreciate some are more sensitive to noise than others so going forward your place will have earplugs (or whatever other remedy you want to provide),.




I have checked and you have no negative reviews on your listing that I can see, she must have share her comments with you privately.. Just ignore it and work on getting great reviews.


Have you lived in this apartment - is there any issues with the neighbours by the way. Even regular apartment noise from neighbours can be strange for those not used to someone living above you or next to you. Maybe ear plugs would be a good idea anyway.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Sapna11  Sorry she held you responsible for something out of your control. As Helen advised, a brief, factual response, directed towards future guests is in order.

However, just because your previous guests weren't bothered by any noise from the neighbors, doesn't mean it might not be an issue in the future. So it would be wise to determine if this was just a one-off of the neighbors being noisy one evening, or whether it's something that happens a lot. You might have to go stay there yourself for a night or two to know this. If they are just loud in general, it would be smart to at least mention the "potential for noise" under "Other things to note" in your listing, and explain what that noise is, be it traffic, neighbors or barking dogs. 

Mentioning the possible negatives associated with any listing is a good idea, so guests are forewarned. Many hosts only write up their listings making it all sound totally wonderful, thinking if they mention noise, or anything else negative, it will stop them from getting bookings. But it will only stop you from getting bookings from guests who would find those things a deal-breaker, and you don't want those guests anyway, as they'd leave a bad review because of it. And if you mention it in the listing, a guest can't claim they didn't know what to expect.


Thank you so much! Will do so