They have caused some damage in the house and are now messaging me suggesting i am responsible for their transport costs to and from the house. The house is in a country location and is serviced by busses but the christmas schedule did not suit them. None of the 8 guests had a car .
They used my hoover to clean out the stove. It now has to be serviced as it won,t work. She messaged me saying the hoover was not working when she got there. Not true as i used it to clean the house before they arrived.
They broke the shower clasp that holds the shower head in the main bathroom.
They were constantly ringing me for things like matches to light the stove to extra pots, bowls etc even though the house has enough
of everything for 8 people.
We even went down to them on christmas eve and lit the stove for them, gave them extra fuel and an extra pot.
These guests were extremely difficult from the start and we are now concerned that our trouble with them is only beginning.
Does anyone have any advice
Pauline and Siobhan