Wedding night

Level 2
Athens, GA

Wedding night

We have a couple coming for two nights to celebrate their wedding night at our barn. I can make our space very lovely and special for them but is there anything anybody else did that worked really well to have in the room - we have a one room barn with a king size bed and attached bathroom - that would be a little extra? 

25 Replies 25

String lights 

Level 10
Mapleton, Australia

@Emily908 @Jamie-and-Gustavo0 

I love the string lights idea! I would also sprinkle rose petals (or whatever pretty petals you have) across the path to their door 🙂

Level 2
Athens, GA

We’re thinking in the same direction! I have string lights on the deck connected to the barn and on an apple tree connected to our barn too. Very romantic! Flower petals are a great idea!

Level 10
New York, NY

@Emily908  @Jamie-and-Gustavo0  Lights was the first thing I thought of, too!  And does anyone ever turn down a bottle of Champagne on ice? 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Yes @Ann72  with a box of chocolates or strawberries covered in chocolate.  
@Emily908 This is so lovely of you! 🙂

Level 2
Athens, GA

Great! Sounds like everyone is thinking the same direction I am! Anymore great ideas? 

Level 2
Athens, GA

I thought about 2 choclate covered strawberries. Sounds decadent and sexy!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Emily908  Bottle of champagne?

Be a bit cautious and pro-active with this reservation. Other hosts have reported bookings like this- the host was led to believe that the couple would be there alone, just a romantic honeymoon. But in fact, there were tons of wedding party people coming and going constantly. Just make sure that the guests understand that this sort of thing isn't acceptable.

Thanks for the tip about wedding guests.  I’m not a champagne fan but it’s so festive so I’ll definitely leave a bottle.

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Emily908  Just saying hello as a fellow Barn listing. 

I usually leave beautiful flowers for special occasions:)

Our daughter, son in law and their two kids just moved to Austin from Nashville about 18 months ago. We used to live in Ft. Worth. We spent a summer in Austin and loved it! Gotta love a good barn! 

Level 10
Covington, GA

@Emily908- love your place!  I am not too far from you in Covington, Georgia.  I haven't had any wedding couples, but I did have one couple here to celebrate their engagement and it was during the weekend of Valentine's Day.  I left a congratulatory card and a dish of decadent sweets that were not all chocolate.  My own mother would never eat chocolate and I personally have met quite a few people who don't care for chocolate.  So I leave a choice to try and cover my bases.  🙂

Level 10
Orono, ME

Fresh flowers .. lots and lots of flowers!

Level 2
Athens, GA

You live close! Most of our bookings revolve around UGA or something going on in Athens. You probably get more Atlanta bookings? I love having couples in for such special events. A choice sweets is a great idea. Love the note idea too!