Weekend rate not charged.

Level 3
Katoomba, Australia

Weekend rate not charged.

We explicitly specifed on the calendar that this coming long weekend in Sydney would be $10.00 over and above the daily rate for other days.  I checked again and again and it had been saved.  When the booking request came through the request was based on the normal rate.  Why is that?

4 Replies 4

@Valerie283, when I look at your listing and try out different dates, the rate for the weekends is the same as the rate for the weekdays.


If you just meant the rate for a specific weekend that has already been booked, there is no way for me to check. (We are not AirBnB; this is a discussion board for hosts and guests to chat. We have no special access to the AirBnB system.)

Thanks for your help.


When I first saw the calendar I changed the rate from $60 to $70 for those three days this coming long weekend.  I remember the three days took the change after I saved it.  Somehow it hasn't reflected on the booking.


Sometime today I stumbled on the rule settings and I have since set the rule for the weekends.  I applied to one weekend and then it seemed to have propagated.  I have also tried to set the rule for public holidays too but it didn't seem to work.  Then I try to manually set the rate for the public holiday, but it didn't seem to register.  I'm at a loss.

@Valerie283 The calendar works on some scripts - there are pop-up windows appearing when you want to edit that day, right? Do you get something like that? I am on Smart Pricing, for example, and to change the nightly rate for a specific day I must: 1 turn off the SP - the script work; 2 put in the new nightly rate - again the script; 3 and save it all - script (post). It's enough that updates in the browser are missing that it won't work. Update your browser (sometimes it's better to set the prices on a PC/laptop), clean the cookies. Log in and work on prices.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

Thanks a lot.  It works after I turns off the smart pricing.