Wether or not to leave a bad guest review...

Level 10
Page, AZ

Wether or not to leave a bad guest review...

I am a super host and have been for 4 years and have 7 property's and I still have not figured this dilemma out. I really go the extra mile to make my places extra nice with lots of amenities. I just listed a brand new property and put alot of love into the place and my first guests were horrible! They filled my trash can so full that their trash ended up blowing all over my neighbors yard and into the desert. We brought another large trash can over and they ended up filling that too (at least 6 large bags of trash). This was for a 2 night stay with 6 people. They also left the inside a complete mess. food all over the couch. Sticky finger prints all over the tv, mirrors and coffee table. Not just your everyday fingerprints, I'm talking sticky stuff that wasn't easy to get off. Stains on brand new sheets and red marker on my mattress pad that was brand new and expensive. There was more....anyway my dilema is I want to charge them for the ruined mattress pad but if I do They will give me a bad review most likely as I've had this happen before and that one bad review ruined my almost perfect 5 star review performance. I want to leave them a bad review to warn other hosts but fear retaliation.

What would you do?

Thank you,


3 Replies 3
Level 9
Calgary, Canada

@Hollie6  I am so sorry that you had this experience with such slobs.

On behalf of hosts everywhere, please do leave a review. You could wait until the very last minute of day 14 to submit your review. As you know, the reviews are "blind" so the guests may give you a stellar review. If not, you always have the option to reply to their retaliatory review.

I would suggest that you take a couple of days to mull it over, then write a concise, factual, and non-emotional review. A detailed review is not required; sometimes "less is more." You could say something like- significant amount of cleaning was required following their departure and they generated more than the average amountof trash.

As for submitting a claim for damages for the mattress pad, that is completely up to you. Maybe in the future, don't buy expensive towels and bedding.

Hope that your future guests are better behaved.

Thank you for your response!

I think sitting on it for a few days is the best advice because of the emotion involved. I just got finished with this property and put so much time and effort into it so of course that made this experience all the worse.

I do buy high end bedding and towels and in 4 years have had mostly positive experiences. All my property's are designed and furnished the way I like my home.

I would like to find a bulk wholesale price on towels if you have any suggestions.

Thanks again,


Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Hollie6   With over 600 reviews, I am sure a negative review would have little effect, unless you allow it to.  Your review would be a thumbs down, I would think, interfering with the guest using IB and the brief honest review would warn hosts.