I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hi I just received a message from my guests saying that a family member has passed away and they won't be able to come. I have been trying to get in touch with AirBnB Spain and I couldn't reach anyone on phone. Am I going to pay any penalties for this ? I mean this isn't my fault I would love to know if there is anything I can do about it.
It is my understanding that you should NOT consent to the request for cancellation, as Airbnb will then penalize you for it and also block those dates on your calendar, even though you think you are just accommodating their wishes.
I would let the guests know per message that you sympathize and that of course they can cancel, but that they need to do it without your consent (which only means that Airbnb will keep their fees), as you would get penalized for that. You might want to suggest that they appeal to Airbnb for "Extenuating circumstances", which then would waive their fees.
There is no penalty for accepting a cancellation request from a guest if they are doing the cancelling. Just always avoid doing the cancelling yourself. For instance if they are asking YOU to cancel, don't do it.
I know it is confusing, and a bit worrying, but accepting a request is fine.
Further to that, @Ozan1, it looks like @Annette33 understood your question better than I did. Absolutely do not agree to cancel the reservation yourself. They must do it.
@Lawrene0, are you sure of that?
I have read over and over again here lately, that the latest gimmick is that if you consent to a cancellation request by a guest, it also gets treated as if YOU did the cancellation, and penalties, etc,, will kick in.
I would really like to know! thanks.
You are right, @Annette33. If they are asking for it to be "accepted" then @Ozan1 is taking the fall. It gets tricky, doesn't it? We accept and pre-approve and all that is good, but we should not "accept" a guest's request to cancel if it is not our fault they are cancelling. My answer was no help at all. Really sorry, @Ozan1. Say no!
@Lawrene0 That is exactly what happened and I am so annoyed right now. I did cancel it thinking that it was their request to cancel the reservation.
@Lawrene0 @Annette33 I mean if someone requests something from me it means it is them who want the action to be done. Not me. Maybe it is my English failing me here in this matter since it is not my mother tongue. However I did accept their request anyway. I made a mistake. I got in touch with the AirBnB Spain eventually and they are handling the issue.
Really happy you are talking to someone at AirBnB about it. It absolutely is not your fault, and the wording ("accept a cancellation request") fooled me, too. @Annette33 recognized what was happening, thank goodness. Keep us updated!
@Ozan1, no it's not your English, it has happened to Native English speakers as well.
It's a trick, and not a nice one, by Airbnb: to make sure the guest pays nothing at all, while Airbnb still makes $$ by withholding $$ from your next booking , so the host gets punished for trying to only be nice and agreeable!
Agree with everyone. Not cool at all. I would not have known to deny a cancellation request such as the one you received if I had not received warning on these forums. It is tricky and unfair, Airbnb. They are constantly changing format and wording. Making these little instances more and more likely.
@Annette33, @Ozan1, so there is a "would you like the host to cancel so you pay no fees" button or option available to a guest looking to cancel? Good grief!
It is in my mind a stupid option, but the wording asks you to cancel, rule No 1 on ABB is never cancel.
If you think about it if someone wants to cancel, well they can, they do not need your permission.
If your Guest tells AirBnb
"My Host, he wants to cancel Me!"
AirBnb will email you.
They'll ask you if
This tale is true.
What should you do?
You should decline!
The reservation is quite fine!
Just tell them no.
If he wants out
Then he may go but there's no doubt
The Guest should have to pay the price.
You're quite the Host, but not THAT nice.
This trick is just the latest example of how deeply flawed Airbnb is, and usually in favor of the guest at the expense of the host.