What is Superhost through your eyes/ perspective

Level 10
Bali, Indonesia

What is Superhost through your eyes/ perspective

Is being a super host means never made mistake

never been discriminated

never ever

done the deeds that all human are human because these deeds, only GOD live with out it

or is it a  consistancy of performance that continuesly and consistanly even with all mistakes we strive to perform at our best


don't get me wrong Airbnb, is not easy to create a 5 point markes that equaly and in most fairness seperates the super and normal host

why don't you have the bad host type

or different type of host

host that available only through message

or host that is LGBT

host that needy 

host that is good looking and hot body


or just as simple as host tha cares, 90% consistancy =super host not 86%

cause if you get a 1 star you need 94% 5 star ..

is a 5 star means good, or perfect.. or estatic experience blow out..


or just host that easy to communicate and let the guest feel free


some how it become a status that is so perfect is in human


does host always have to bow down to the threats of fake review

is honest??

or is it blind dumb stupidity


i'm sorry but right now getting an airbnb plus is easier cause I can upgrade the amenities which is not so much 

then getting back my superhost cause I actually has no amenities in the review..


is it a war of sarcasm.. or is it a competition of praise?? 

the review system is not perfect, worst is not yet honest..


My best reward so far is a painting given by a child for my villa


if you can say it out loud with out judgement or comment .. what would you change in the review system..


please shout and type and let it all out.. so we can progress as a free community.. be cause we are a community filled with people who actually care .. 

no boundary, no judgement, no mistake.....

Jeffrey Bong
3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Don't bother about Superhost, it's a marketing gimmick.

Better NOT to be one.



we got more than status in this community.. the ride is more precious than status.. I actually have to work less hard than being a super host.. 

Jeffrey Bong
Level 10
Bali, Indonesia


I have fall into the darkest, darkness of drugs adiction for more tahn 25years.. but it does not matter.. cause people will only remember when I shine out from that darkest darkness.. and it is the same reason i stop to give up.. cause this is my life.. my choice.. my triump… VIni Vidi Vici.. -MANASUI- 


I thank you Airbnb for the change through a tiny gap teaching me the thing I suppouse to learn rapidly.. It might be poetic but is the truth for me.. got to go.. got to work

Jeffrey Bong