Hi @Marisa59 How do you suggest they get in touch with you? I completely agree there should be a way to just ask another host a question, but unless they're on these forums where we have the option of sending a private message, the only choices we have are "Contact Host" which requires the filling in of dates etc. or "Request to Book", ditto, and which we wouldn't want to do. I'm not sure if a message sent through "Contact Host" impacts the metrics i.e. has to be preappproved/declined within 24 hours - I think it doesn't, but have never wanted to take the chance. It would be nice if Airbnb treated the "Contact Host" link as being for general questions, no booking dates required and no penalities involved what-so-ever. Maybe a suggestion for Host Voice?
I have used "Contact Host" to get in touch with other hosts in my area a couple of times & they were lovely about it. I'd have felt awful if someone write back & told me this wasn't the best way to get in touch with them - because really, what other options are there? If you know of one, please share. - Karen