When things break down....

Level 1
Burlington, Canada

When things break down....

We are renting our cottage and have recently had some issues with major things breaking while renters are staying there. This time, our water pump died, and the renters that were there were amazing! They helped us figure out what was wrong, and were great sports about being "waterless" for a day (they left the next day). 


However, we are unable to fix the water pump until tomorrow, meaning that our next renter will be "waterless" for a day. This renter is very unhappy and upset that their relaxing vacation is now a headache. We have offerred to reimburse them for some of their rental cost to compensate, but it is frustrating because there is nothing I can do to speed things up.


Anyone have any suggestions as to how to deal with renters when major repairs are required during their stay, or large inconveniences are caused and renters are unhappy? Ideally, I would have cancelled their weekend so they wouldn't have to endure the issues, but we don't want to be penalized for cancelling. We did let the renter know 24 hours in advance of the issue and that we were working on a solution.... 

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Somerville, MA

From what I can gather, you can give them the option to amend their reservation so that they arrive after the water pump is fixed. Obviously, you would not be paid for that night, but an unhappy guest is not a good thing! I believe that it is also possible to Modify their reservation by sending them a special offer.


I would not recommend canceling [bad from AirBNB's viewpoint] or refunding any of the fee in cash. Always use the AirBNB system so that everything is documented.


If these guests get in touch with AirBNB on their own, I believe that AirBNB team will help them find an alternative place for the waterless night.


Cancelling is almost always a bad option. For what it's worth, if the reason can be considered "extenuating circumstances", Airbnb gives a waiver on the penalties.

Level 3
Ocean Springs, MS

I had an unhappy guest, because they thought they would be alone in the house, even though the description clearly states this home is shared withe host living upstairs. I didn't realize they were unhappy until they left a review. ugh, I left a public review, thanking her for her suggestions and offered my home again at a very steep discount. 

I think you did well, telling the guests ahead of time.  Perhaps you could suggest a swap to another place in the area? A discount? please keep us informed.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Hi @Tim84.  Things break down even in the best hotels.  For the Air BNB system if you have warning time, contact the guest and offer the option of price reduction or their contacting Air BNB to be relocated to a comparable place.  If they choose first option, you modify the reservation price through Air BNB and the payout is reduced.  With the second option, Air BNB releases your calendar and you could potentially get new guests after the repair.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

AirBnB will help you rehome your guest when there are major repairs or breakdowns. You just need to contact them and let them know that it's really not right for a guest to stay there without water, etc. You won't be penalised when there are extenuating circumstances. However, never cancel the booking yourself - let AirBnB handle it.