Wish List for potential guests

Level 5
South Lake Tahoe, CA

Wish List for potential guests

Is there a way to easy share a wish list with a potential guest? I've been recently contacted by someone looking in my area for accomodations for over 50+ people, and so will obviously need multiple homes. I'd like to share the homes in my network, but I'm assuming if I send a link in the message thread, it will be blocked like all other websites. Is there and easier way than directing the guest to my profile, then to my wishlist I've created for her?

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You can invite her to share your wish list.

Level 5
South Lake Tahoe, CA

@Helen3If I dont have her email, since she was just an inquiry, how would I go about doing that?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

To be honest I wouldn't go to, too much effort for just an inquiry.


But as you said if you want to, just direct her to your profile. Just two steps for her.