Withholdings from Guest Payout

Level 1
Lexington, TX

Withholdings from Guest Payout

AirBnB will not explain what is being withheld from full payout or where it goes. Why?


3 Replies 3
Level 1
Lexington, TX

When requesting a response from,  "the correct department", to answer my questions, AirBnB sent me a message to my inbox saying they would be sending me an email b/c that is their preferred method of solving these issues, for record keeping...their email routed me back to my inbox, saying "This case has been closed", please refer to Help Center, which is the place that it began, no humans. (all in a matter of 5 minutes.)  Why the runaround, AirBnB?

Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Jenny-Lu0  This a host/guest forum, not AirBnB. I would call AirBnB my guess is this is IRS withholding taxes AirBnB is sending in on your behalf. 



AirBnB number:

United States and Canada

+1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)


Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Jenny-Lu0 please explain a little better, we are all hosts on the forum and might be able to help.

Are you talking about the 3% host fee airbnb deducts or maybe the occupancy taxes or the guests service fee.