Wrong price displayed

Level 1
Manosque, France

Wrong price displayed

Hello ! I've got a room for 45 euros on my timetable but when I look at the advertisement, beeing connected it shows 42 and, looking on the site as a traveller it's 40..
It's nearly 3 years we're on airbnb and for the first time we have that problem. one host booked the room (the site shows at 40), payed 45 euros and asked me why there's such a difference. I said that the room was 45 and I didn't knew why they saw it for 40.. But they want explanation. So now, I feel very bad because they might feel I'm a crook. So I will have to give them back 5 euros.. Someone can explain what's happening with my prices ?
Thanks very much and sorry for my english.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You have different prices on one of your listing for different dates.

So maybe you turned on "Smart prices" or set custom prices elsewhere.

In oktober you charge even Euro 30,- a night.

(I did not see  Euro 45,- )

Maybe the guest is confused by Airbnb added the service fee ?

A booking is a booking, i would not give back Euro 5,-.