actual pay out much less than in transaction history

Level 1
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

actual pay out much less than in transaction history

The actual pay out from airbnb is always much less than in my transaction history,lately there has been a discepancy of up to one third of the payment.Does anyone on the forum have the same experiance, and can explain why this is happening.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Daryl5  For such a large discrepancy, I don't have a clue.  Please contact Air BNB and keep the host forum updated as what you hear back.

Level 1
Bournemouth, United Kingdom

I am in the same boat. This is my first airbnb txn and the client advised she was quoted USD 484 which I was happy with. However on looking closer, I am only getting $401 and on my screen it shows that they deducted $14 fees to airbnb. I would like to query this with them but I cant seem to find a contact number/ email address. Does anyone have any?

AirBNB adds a service fee to the guest--but you can't see it. To avoid confusion, tell the guest your rate "plus AirBNB fees."  I just noticed that they added the feature if you send a special offer you CAN now see that fee--that should really help with guest communication. You may have to click the drop down to see the details in the special offer section.

Thanks that was very helpful. I had my first guest and she told me she had paid a certain amount and it didnt tally one bit to what Airbnb paid across so now its a bit clearer.


I think they could do with being more transparent to us. No need to double charge and show a very low transaction charge when theyve already taken a larger sum from the client!

Level 7
Rhodes, Greece

Hi. I've had this happen a lot this year. I had put it down to bank charges. However, my latest pay out is in fact 65 pounds short. I phoned AirBnB and was told by the operative that how Air BnB makes even MORE money is that they move the money unnecessarily, in this case, up to three times in order to make more money. The direct quote was: "This is how Air BnB make their money". So, what should be  a 50 pound per night apartment, I am actually only receiving 26 pounds a night for. Making the whole experience a) financially not worthwhile and b) deeply disappointing considering how much effort I personally go to to make my guests happy and therefore enhance Air BnB's reputation.

With over 3 million properties worldwide this seems both greedy and churlish. My only recourse now is to put up my rates and remove all discounts.