airbnb cancellation due to invalid payment method

Level 1
East Albury, Australia

airbnb cancellation due to invalid payment method

Wanting some reassurance from Airbnb on a booking they cancelled due to 'Invalid payment method'


The guest had requested, i accepted, it was confirmed and now it has been cancelled due to the above reason.


The guest has now called me on my mobile which he received once booking was confirmed wanting answers and offering to pay me in person.

I have directed him to Airbnb and told him i am not interested in dealing outside of airbnb.

My concern is that he has my phone number and knows the address of the property. Can Airbnb explain further as to their reason for cancelling the booking. And reassure me of my security.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Have you called them and asked them?


number on your booking confirmation 


you are right not to deal with the guest - just block them from calling your mobile.

Level 1
Port Townsend, WA

I just had the same happen and don't understand what it could mean. Did you ever track down answers?