amend a booking

Level 1
Adelaide, Australia

amend a booking

Hello Abnb community!


Can someone please help me? I have a guest who wants to change her booking to stay an extra day & she says that her request has been sent through, however I havent received it. I'm wondering if I need to cancel her booking & have her re-request the new dates she wants?




3 Replies 3
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

NEVER NEVER NEVER cancel a booking!


You can go in and initiate the change and she can accept on her end.

Level 10
Moriches, NY

Agree with above. Cancelling a booking will incur penalties. Send her a "special offer" with amounts & new dates.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Catherine317,


Great to meet you. Just to add to the other comments here by @Dee9 and @Cynthia-and-Chris1, I thought you might find this Community Guide (created by a host here in the CC) helpful on the ways you can amend the dates. 


I hope this helps, let us know how you get on.





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