automatical refund

Level 1
Victoria, CA

automatical refund

Hi, we are new host to airbnb. our guests canceled thier booking. According to our cancelation policy, they should get full refund that airbnb will automatically transfer to guests(said by Help ). But airbnb just paid half of refund. We are not sure if airbnb gonna pay the other half refund automatically or we have to manually send rest to guests. Thank you very much to help us to solve this. it just confusing to us.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Hello Jade and Tony and welcome to Air BNB.  I viewed your listings and see that your cancellation policy is  "strict".  Read the descriptions of the cancellation levels and determine what fits for you.  In this case, you can offer additional refund through the refund process.  Of course the Air BNB fees are not refunded.  Good luck!