
Level 1
Kaštel Lukšić, Croatia


Poštovana gospodo uvjek mi stavvite promotivnu cjenu ja se ne slažem moja minimalna cjena je 200 kuna i nije ok da vi određivate moju cjenu


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Google translates:
Dear Sirs, always put me a promotional price, I do not agree, my minimum price is 200 kuna and it is not ok for you to determine my price. Thank you


Prices, discounts and promotions are only set by yourself. Check your listing for discounts set, non-refunding cancelation option set, special discounts set like early bird, late minute or promotions activated.


If you goto the calender when managing the listing, select a range of dates. Then "price calculator" shows up on the left. Then you can see same price calculation as guests see when they book.


Alternate; goto your listing and simulate a booking.


best regards,
