entire home vs private room

entire home vs private room

In order to adveritse that I have 2 private bedrooms available - I have to advertise that I have an entire home on the listing page  - not just private room - do guests then expect that the hosts are not going to be living there while they are here ? - and be alone in the entire home ? Because my wife and I are living  here -  we are offering access to the entire home except our bedrom - Just dont want anyone to think they have the entire house alone - wandering if I need to return to advertising "private room"

7 Replies 7
Level 2
Pittsfield, MA

I have 3 bedrooms, each listed separately. I have a 4th listing for entire home/all bedrooms. I have to remember to block out my 3 bedroom listings whenever I book the whole house; otherwise there will be a likely conflict. I have learned to say early in each individual bedroom listing's description that it is one of 3 rooms, with a shared bath. I also say in the more wordy, later descriptive parts of the bedrooms and whole house listings AND in my profile that I live in the house, as does my dog, and that I won't be sharing the guests shared bathroom. It has all worked very well. Good luck. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

No you don't advertise as an entire home, you advertise as a private room; since you have 2 bedrooms available you need to create 2 listings, one for each room. You can look at mine; I have two rooms listed in my private home where I reside.


Thanks.   I'll check yours out !   But my second bedroom shares the bath with the primary bedroom.  So they need to stay with the same listing.  I just wanted to be sure someone looking knows I have 2 rooms available for the same reservation.   So it looks like the site then makes me list as entire house, instead of private room.   Anyway, I am clear about the set up in my listing, got my first guest tonight, we'll see how it goes.  Hey, and I've never been to London

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Entire property means just that - they have all communal areas, kitchen, etc bedrooms completely to themselves. It could be basement of a property, but with it's own entrance. You will certainly get bad reviews if people turn up expecting to be the sole residents and you are there...in fact a few hosts have been kicked off the platform in London over the past few weeks for doing just this and misleading guests.


Just list the other bedroom....and list entire property if you are happy to vacate in some circumstances.

Level 1
Maine, United States

Hi Craig We are in the same boat as you. There seems to be no way to clarify our situation and people don't read the description well enough. We live in a beautiful log cabin home on a lake with two spacious bunk rooms upstairs. Our guest can have those rooms, the bathroom up on the loft and access to the great room, kitchen, deck, grounds, lake, dining room etc. We stay out of their way unless they need us. There should be a way to indicate this in the initial listing so that people are not taken aback when they arrive and we live here!  I am swamped with booings but I have had a few cancel when they realize that I am going to be home. Susan

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

There is a way to indicate it in the initial listing, you choose 'Private Room' and you have further opportunity to choose if guests have access to kitchen, how many bathrooms etc. You have even more opportunity when you complete the field entitled 'The Space' and 'Guest Access' to describe to your satisfaction the space the guest will have access to, access allowed/ private areas, any shared spaces etc. You can also add information to your description as well, so you have ample opportunity to be clear. 


Airbnb have provided a number of options which you can use; if you listing the property with the wrong options i.e. 'Entire Let' then guests will expect just that. On the other hand, there will always be guests who don't read the listing description and that is out Airbnb's control or your control. If you have listed the property accurately and covered it in your description then if a guest shows up expecting otherwise, you will be fully within your rights to decline and Airbnb will back you all the way.


In my home, I list two bedrooms as private rooms and I'm clear in my listing, I have never had one person yet show up thinking they have the place to themselves. You could also take additional measures by e-mailing the guest on receipt of booking confirmation to welcome them and perhaps say something along the lines that you look forward to sharing your home with them etc.


Best wishes,

You have a private room available - you can then desicribe that in more detail in your listing and say that it is nearly completely separate to your accommodation, but not and you live on the property.