hi i have a problem with recommendation

Level 1
Heraklion, Greece

hi i have a problem with recommendation

hi all i have a problem with recommendation 

i am a new host on airbnb and i request a recommendation  from my friend who alredy is a host on airbnd and go well

i sent a mail from edit prfile recommendation area he resive tha mail click th link go to my profile but no text write area appeared to my profile for write the recommendation i sent and another friend and the same happens what can i do ?? 

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Carmichael, CA

Make this question clear. I can not understand what you are asking. 

I'll ask what I think is the same question: I gave AirBnB a few friend's emails for them to write recommendations about me, even though they can't officially recommend my AirBnB (because they haven't stayed here). Where do those recommendations show up?


Thank you!