hosting - 24 hour expiry

Level 1
New York, NY

hosting - 24 hour expiry

Hi all,


Can you let me know whether Airbnb is supposed to block bookings 24 hours after expiry, even if you have been communicating through the platform with the prospective guest before accepting their booking request? This is getting really annoying, Thanks! 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Nyasha1 after you approve someones booking request they have 24h to pay and complete the booking. You have the option to leave the dates open and if someone books faster than them they loose the dates. You loose nothing by waiting for their payment, just leave the dates open, whoever pays first they will get your rooms.

Level 1
New York, NY

Thanks. It's the request to book that expired, not my invitation to book.

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Nyasha1 you are not supposed to let booking requests expire, always accept or decline or your listing might get temporary deactivated.

The issue is... in my case, is that it takes me more than 24 hours to respond, so there should be some flexibility in that "rule" or being "dinged" for letting it expire!?!?  My property is a resort, and I have to get approval from the membership department as to availability, and that sometimes takes a day or two.  Plus, I state right in my description to NOT send inquiries, but rather just a "message" to owner/host/mamager, and then book from there.  NOT EVERYONE fits in the same box, so flexibility is key in making this work for everyone!?!?