@Jon-And-Gina0 This is one of the rare times that I have not been able to find a listing in search results. Have you made any recent changes to your listing, like adding new photos? Sometimes adding photos can cause a listing to disappear from search results temporarily (about 24 hours or less) while the search database re-loads.
I did notice a couple of things:
- You should verify your ID so guests know that you are just as trustworthy as they are. Also, Airbnb is randomly asking unverified hosts to verify their ID. Go to this link to start the process:
- In your listing title and in your cover photo your listing address is prominently displayed. Airbnb hides listing addresses until a reservation in confirmed. This is for your privacy and security. Right now anyone can look at your calendar and figure out when the property is not occupied which is not a good thing. I would strongly advise that you change both the title and the photo.
Hopefully these changes will trigger your listing to become visible in search results.
Let me know!