
Level 1
Jaipur, India



I have just got into hosting. I have a 3 bedroom apartment. Have fixed a price of Rs. 1250 per room per night (for upto 2 persons per room). so when the entire apartment is booked, it means the traveller wants all 3 rooms, which means Rs. 1250 x 3 (rooms)= 3750 for the entire apartment for 1 day. But when someone books the apartment for 1 day, it shows the price for 1 room only. 

Please guide where am I going wrong as unable to set it right. Its urgent, in case anyone can be of help!!!

Thank you!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Hi @Dinar1

The best way to do it, is to have a listing for each room.

As a quick fix go to your listing and click on "Pricing". Then click "Edit at extra charges. Add extra guest price and number of guests it applies to.


Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Dinar1 Basically you have three listings like @Jeff158 stated. List all three rooms separate. You’ll need to sync the calendars of all three so if you sell a single room, the entire house option is off the table. 

Good luck! 

‘You know it’s hard out here for a Host’

Level 10
Austin, TX


OR you set the first price for 2 guests and then the necessary extra charge per guest from 3-6. However, that would be done on a per guest basis, no way to do those additional charges in two person increments. And your listing would somehow need to describe that guests 1-2 get the apartment plus one bedroom, guests 1-4 get apartment plus bedrooms 1&2, etc

im not sure that abb site will accommodate how you’re wanting to do this. You may need to rethink how you price/describe your listing