how do i know if i need a Short term Rental policy? how do i know if everything is legal

how do i know if i need a Short term Rental policy? how do i know if everything is legal

how do i know if i need a Short term Rental policy?  how do i know if everything is legal

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Traverse City, MI

Do you mean, you want to find out if it's legal to host short term rentals in your area?


Either ask directly, or find regulations created by anyone who has ownership/control over your property: landlord, HOA, local/state/federal government.

Level 10

Hi @Wendy224, I would do an internet search of short term rentals in your area. Look for the latest information, that should give you a place to start. As @Allison2 said, you also want to check for HOA laws, etc. Good luck in your hosting!

thanks for the help!! ill post what/if i find out:)