how to handle a guest who has under booked for the number of guests statying

Level 1
Mumbai, India

how to handle a guest who has under booked for the number of guests statying

Have a guest who had booked my place for 2 of them, but currently 3 of them are using the place.

Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm assuming you are definite this is the case. In which case you need to send them a message straight away via Airbnb mail informing them that their reservation was only confirmed for two guests however there are now three guests staying in the property in total without prior agreement.

Ask the guest to clarify the situation because although you allow a maximum of 6 guest in the property, you need to be sure you are happy with party you have staying there. Inform them of the extra charge and that you will be alternating their reservation for any remain days and requesting the additional money via the resolution centre for any days already passed. Ensure that you do this straight away as once the guest leaves it might not be possible to recoup this money from them.


Hope you get it sorted, Ama

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7 Replies 7
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm assuming you are definite this is the case. In which case you need to send them a message straight away via Airbnb mail informing them that their reservation was only confirmed for two guests however there are now three guests staying in the property in total without prior agreement.

Ask the guest to clarify the situation because although you allow a maximum of 6 guest in the property, you need to be sure you are happy with party you have staying there. Inform them of the extra charge and that you will be alternating their reservation for any remain days and requesting the additional money via the resolution centre for any days already passed. Ensure that you do this straight away as once the guest leaves it might not be possible to recoup this money from them.


Hope you get it sorted, Ama

Thanks Ama for your promt response,  i have sent them a mail thru Airbnb, however the response i that i got from Airbnb  is as follows:

If you need to make a change to a confirmed reservation, you can submit a change request to your guest.

Change a reservation
  • Go to Your Reservations on
  • Click Change or Cancel next to the reservation you want to change.
  • Choose Change Reservation.
  • Click Submit Alteration.
  • If the guest accepts your request, the reservation will be updated and they'll be charged or refunded if necessary. If the request is declined or you don’t receive a response, the reservation will stay the same.
Have done all of the above , but the point highlighted by me above, if the guest declines to accept then the reservation would stay the same, is a concern, which could be a gap in the airbnb policy, moreover may also give a negative review for flagging the issue.
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Personally I would give the guest a certain amount of time to accept the change and say if you don't hear back, then you will need to ask BnB to cancel their booking as they have broken your house rules (if that is the case) by having more people staying, then have been booked for.


Good luck

Level 10
London, United Kingdom


@Savio L that's great you have noted the situation for the records, first step. 


Yes I mentioned you need to do it ASAP whilst they are still in the property as more likely they will accept if they have a few more days to stay. It is true that if the guest do not accept then Airbnb cannot charge their card but then, the option available to you would be to inform the guest that as they have failed to acknowledge your communication re the unauthorised guest and change request for additional payment you have no option than to request they leave the property immediately because it is in breach of your listing description and also has an impact in any protection offered by Airbnb since there is an additional persons not on the booking confirmation.


You would then need to contact Airbnb and inform then that under the circumstances, the guest has breached your rule and therefor you require them to leave immediately. Airbnb will then need to contact the guest to attempt to resolve the situation or move them. If they fail to leave after you have requested this, then every night spent will be charged at double the rate as they are no longer authorised to be in the property. But you must (1) work quick, (2) do everything in writing via Airbnb mail as if you need Airbnb to intervene then they will only accept communication seen on their platform as evidence of communication.


The guide to request additional payments is correct although, please note you cannot alter a reservation in the past as such you will only be able to claim from today via this route but you will be able to claim from the day the checked in up to yesterday via the resolution centre. Again the same rule applies if they accept Airbnb will charge them if not Airbnb can’t charge them so you need to work quickly whist they are still in the property; it is more likely they will accept the charges if they need to stay on.


thanks a lot for your valuable feedback, will take your advise. Have written to the guest via Airbnb & am awaitng thier response.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

You are most welcome and I do hope you get it sorted soon.


Level 2
New York, United States

The problem is getting in contact with AirBNB as they have no phone or email. It's very annoying and when I did get a hold of them at their corporate office in San Fran the woman said yes I know we get complaints all the time. Although they seem not to do anything about it...