keeping my super host status , when moving address

Level 1

keeping my super host status , when moving address

Hi, I was hoping somebody might be able to help me with keeping my reputation as a super host,  when I move house, is it as simple as editing the address and pictures .

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Ann-Maree0,


When you sell it you must deactivate your listing and create a new one for your new place.

Your superhost status will still apply to your profile and won't be affected just because you will be the host of a new listing. As guests stay in your new place reviews they leave will show on the page for the listing and on your profile page as happens now.


The article at the link below describes how to deactivate a listing.



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

No it isn't @Ann-Maree0. You can't do that.


But it is simple. Just set up a new listing on your profile. 


You keep your superhost status depending on whether you meet their critieria, so as long as you continue to meet their critieria you will retain your superhost status.


Have a look at my profile, i have recently done (last November)  just that and gained my superhost status again this January.


I snoozed my old listing so guests could see my previous reviews pending building up reviews on my new listing.