link calendar

link calendar

Hi there, 


I would like to know if I can link my airbnb calendar to my website. I use my airbnb calendar as my deafult booking portal, however I want to create my own website and include the airbnb calendar inside the website. 


Is this possible?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Hi, @Thomas180. I started typing "it depends on what you are using to create your website." I actually got that down. And then I nearly went on to bore you and everyone reading this with a convoluted answer. Then inspiration struck and I typed "embed calendar" into AirBnB's Help - just the usual one under Help at the top of your dashboard screen, not the community, and there it was! So do that. It has exactly what you want, and it works. Some people here have noted problems with iCalendar, but I have found none at all, except a delay of a few hours sometimes, with Google Calendar. So maybe pick a Google-friendly website generator. Hope this helps!