listing my place

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

listing my place

I have published my listing but cannot find it when i search on

I am not sure how to continue.

Please help

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Giri1,


Welcome to the Community Center! 


If you have only just published your listing, it may not be showing up in search yet. This Help Guide explains how you can check if guests can see it. If it has been over a day however and you are not getting any views, there may be another reason it is not showing. Have a look at this Help Guide about how search results are determined.


Just to let you know, I have moved your post here to a new thread, as it was off-topic where it was. It will be easier for others to find it here and hopefully give you advice! 


I hope you can get this sorted soon!


Hi, my recently added listing appears after all the other Bath UK listings amongst the ones in Bristol, by which time many postential guests would have assumed nothing in Bath is available. How do I change this please? 

Or does anyone have a phone number I can call for Airbnb?!
