photo rights

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

photo rights

Can I share the official Airbnb photos of my house with my architect to use on their website as they designed the space? 

4 Replies 4
Level 3
San Diego, CA

Of course you can....they don't own the rights to your photos, you do.;)
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello Karin


I'm afraid you are wrong. It is alway the case that whoever takes a photo, paints a picture, designs or writes a story owns the copyright for this work.


Tom - Authors can share copyright or assign it on payment and this will be captured in a contract or confirmation letter. In the case of BnB they provide you with free photography but retain full ownership rights.


Architects normally take photos of their work for their portfolio. Sounds like they didn't in this case. They can either come and shoot their own (you should be paid for this) or they can link to your BnB listing.

Level 3
Salcombe, United Kingdom

Airbnb DO NOT own the photographs...the photographer does Airbnb pay for the licence to use them



If you are talking about the professional photo services paid for by Airbnb, those pictures are their property.  Says so right on the Photography page: 


If you choose to use the Airbnb photography service, you recognize that Airbnb will hold all rights (including copyright rights), title and interest in the resulting images. Airbnb may use the resulting images for advertising, marketing, commercial and other purposes in any media or platform, whether in relation to your listing or otherwise.


Of course, you can do anything until you get caught.