pricing is wrong

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

pricing is wrong

I have set my price as 45 per night but on the add it states £52. How to I get rid of the £52. This sight has become so complicated.I have had no booking because of this

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Linda154 on the link above you can see instructions on how to change the price. Also, I don't think the price is the problem but the fact that you have canceled 2 bookings in a row, Airbnb probably pushed you to the end of their search results. I know you have explained it but does it matter if a guest isn't able to even see the listing, plus many guests don't even read. Do you have views when you check out your progress? And another thing, is it really necessary to point out that you and your husband don't have criminal records? I would pass on your listing probably when I saw that... I would wonder why do you feel it was necessary mentioning it. 

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Its so anoying because it states we

canelled two booking but the booking was only made two days before on on

Intant book.  We didnt k ow about them.If you dont hav  imstant book it states you wont het many boomings but if you do and people book two days   before and you cancel you are penalised. So your damed if you do and damed if you dont. O eif tbe booki gs wasnt canelled by us it was by the guest but avain we wefe penalised