problem with how to raise money

problem with how to raise money

I used to talk to you earlier about the same problem. The money that you paid me through Pajoneer Master Card, my country does not support it so that money can not be raised.Please help me and transfer money to another option I have chosen in the payment method that is on my account.

I hope you will help me.

best regards

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom


Thsi forum can not help you.

You need to find a new payment method (paylap / bank deposit), register it in your account, and then contact AAirbnb via phone.


Ok,can you give me contact of AAIRBNB phone,because i can t find?

@Jovan21 to contact Airbnb:

On your Help page, near the bottom right is a "Contact us" button.
Or you can use this link:

Once you are on the "Contact us" page, choose "Its something else"

This will give you the choice to either exchange messages with AirBnB or to speak to someone on the phone.
(Using the "Contact us" by phone gives you the option to have them call you, so you don't have to wait on hold.)