
Level 1
Istanbul, Turkey


Hello, not sure how this works.

I'd like to know, if it's true we have only 24hrs to submite a damages claim (or missing items)

And what happens if the guest refuses to pay.

I have small items missing from our flat, I've been in contact with the guest, who won't admit of course taking them but

She states nothing was broken and nobody visited them.

I've done the claims form but im sure she won't pay.

9 Replies 9
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

You have to submit the claim after you have contacted the guest.  Claim is to be submitted before the next guest arrives or within 14 days.  Be sure you have proof it was this guest that caused the claim.

Level 1
Istanbul, Turkey

She admired the items where there 

And that nothing was broken during there stay in message.

The items taken are small but meaningful to me.

I submitted the form as I saw somewhere it had to be done in 24 hours.

I just want my things back ((

How you prove? I didn't go round taking photos of very corner of the flat. 

I also read, airbnb doesn't do much if she won't replace/ pay , is that true?

Level 10
Quilcene, WA


If the guest declines to pay you are probably out of luck. Airbnb will require proof of the theft, which is impossible, as well as proof of the value of the items. In future... don't allow your guests access to anything you're going to be upset to lose.

Level 1
Istanbul, Turkey

I've had 70 guest nobody has done anything like this.

So this security deposit , is nothing.

I have her in message, written that the items where there and she doesn't know what's happened to them, isn't that worth something?

My apartment is full of things I don't want to lose. I thought the security deposit  want something ?

Level 1
Istanbul, Turkey

May I ask, what's the security deposit for? I thought we we're covered for something !!!

 loss for damaged or stolen items by the guestHi Sera, The security deposit is there to compensate any loss for damaged or stolen property. Exception for stolen items is if the stoeln item has a very high value (e.g. very valuable paintings or other art objects and antiques) as Airbnb recommends not to leave those.


The key for compensation is that the damage and theft must be proven, and also the value of the item must be proven. By merely indicating that an item was stolen in a message to the guest or via the resolution center is not enough because, as the guest has denied your claim, it comes back to the word of one person against the word of another.


I strongly recommend not to leave any items in the listing that has (emotional) value.

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Sera8 Airbnb won't pay for anything you can't prove.


I have successfully claimed reimbursement for damage that I could prove with photos, receipts, and guest message thread. Theft is virtually impossible to prove unless you have video evidence or something.


"I have her in message, written that the items where there and she doesn't know what's happened to them, isn't that worth something?"  What could that be worth? All it proves is that the guest acknowledges the items were in your home, and says she had nothing to do with their disappearance.

Can someone tell me what the

security deposit

is about? I thought we we're covered somehow.

And if i wrote in their review items where missing after they left,

Would that be edited airbnb?



Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Sera8 


Do have a look at Airbnb Help Centre, it has lots of useful information around how Airbnb works including how Airbnb's security deposit work and how to make a claim.


I am not sure whether you would be able to mention the missing items in a review. Why not give Airbnb a call and see what they advise.