requesting money

Level 2
Bali, Indonesia

requesting money

Hi Community,, 
I have been hosting in Airbnb now for close to a year,I have beautiful home in Bali listed on Airbnb.
I am pleased to say that I am thankfull for the community of Airbnb which makes it possible to meet new people and exchange cultural experience.
I had few guest in the past whom lets say had things not run smoothly as we wanted to be but we sorted it out in adult way.
But there's this one guests (my last one) that has been a real bummer.
He did self checked out which means I didn't  meet him personally to check if he left something or mistakenly take something of mine.
Long story short,I found out that I have lost my UE bluetooth speaker which cost me more or less  $100,I sent him request for money for it, I contacted him through any possible way of communication but he didn't answer,,he didn't even read my message!!!
I am willing to get Airbnb intervere in this as the moderator,but it said in the resolution centre that Airbnb can intervere after 72 hours of the request being open if there is no solution met, but the question is "If this my guest never open the request,how is the solution will be find?"
Has anyone face the same problem as me and what should I do in this situation?

1 Reply 1

Once you submit a resolution request for payment the clock starts ticking down the 72 hours whether the guest actually looks at the message or not. After 72 hours you can contact Airbnb. If necessary they can call the guest.


A couple resolution rules, though. The request must be made within 14 days or before the next guest checks in. It sounds like you covered that one. You will need to prove the value of the item (this is done fairly easily if purchased online- just include the link). You may have difficulty proving the speaker was in the home when the guest arrived, but we'll cross that bridge if Airbnb goes there.