the special offer tab has not shown up on my message with a guest and the quote is all wrong

the special offer tab has not shown up on my message with a guest and the quote is all wrong

I need to send my guest a special offer as the quote for my home is all wrong. The normal tab which says send a special offer is not there to operate.


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Maryland, United States

@Caroline105:  If they have actually booked you can use "alter reservation".  To do that go to Dashboard>Reservations (find the booking you want to charge) then select the 3 dots to the far right, then "alter reservation".  Change the price and send to the guest.  Before doing this make sure you and the guest are in agreement on this change so there are no surprises (I do this through the messaging telling them to expect the alteration request).  They will need to accept the alteration for it all to work out correctly.  Hope this helps.