what can i do to get guest when its slow?

what can i do to get guest when its slow?

This is my first-year hosting, we had a great summer, and the first half of September has been great as well.  I feel that it is slowing down. what can I do to get bookings when its slow?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Lusby, MD

@David9307 Oh if only we had a crystal ball.


Whether things are going good or bad, fast or slow, I always remember, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. It’s a good mantra to live by. 

@David9307  A few different approaches you can choose from:


1. Keep updating your listing regularly, and move around the more season-appropriate photos to the top position to improve your visibility in search.


2. Manually edit the pricing to selectively discount the gaps you need to fill in your calendar.


3. List on multiple platforms to access other markets.


4. Accept that these fluctuations in demand are normal - it takes a full year to know how the arc of seasonality will affect your listing, and how dependent it will be on factors beyond your control (e.g. climate, economy, pandemic). Use the down time between bookings to do renovation and maintenance projects, share the home with friends and family who need a break, or take a well-earned break yourself.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

1. invest in direct marketing by setting up your own social media and website

2. Use other listing companies

3. Understand your target market and invest in advertising to reach them to drive them to your Airbnb listing/direct listings

