PLEASE, please change the hold music on your support line! It is driving everyone crazy. Delete the song, and use other songs on rotation. Hosts who have waited hours upon hours, have a gross pavlovian response to this hold music!!
My gawd the SAME catchy song over and over makes me want to pull my hair out. This is unfortunate for the band that put this together but what is airbnb thinking? Pure torture. Come on airbnb get it together.
I actually googled "airbnb song" so that I could find it, and listen whenever I wanted to. In the process I found THIS page and decided to cast my vote. It's awesome!
It's not bad the first time you hear it.... but Airbnb hold times are always out of control. When you have to sit and listen to it on a loop over and over and over and over for 15 minutes, it makes you want to kill yourself.
Get normal hold music! A Pandora station or something that rotates. This is aggravating!!
airbnb hold times are worse than comcast or any other company i have ever worked with. To top that off with a hold song that loops is like a living hell. Stop being so cheap, and buy some new songs.
Seriously- after 28 minutes on hold and hearing the song like 7 times, Go to Pandora or Spotify or hire some San Fran musicians to cut 10 songs for youy. You have the cash. I'm just tired of listening to the same thing the 4 or 5 times I have to call per year.